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Free Speech

Free Speech
Tištěná kniha

Bez hodnocení

Free Speech

Bez hodnocení

Tištěná kniha - ostatní

rok vydání 2017



343 Kč

Běžná cena 346 Kč

Ušetříte 3 Kč



O knize

A powerful and comprehensive title, Ash argues that in this connected world in which we live, the way to combine freedom and diversity is to have more, but also better free speech. Here, he presents ten guiding principles for freedom of expression in the digital age.
A powerful and comprehensive title, Ash argues that in this connected world in which we live, the way to combine freedom and diversity is to have more, but also better free speech. Here, he presents ten guiding principles for freedom of expression in the digital age.
A powerful and comprehensive title, Ash argues that in this connected world in which we live, the way to combine freedom and diversity is to have more, but also better free speech. Here, he presents ten guiding principles for freedom of expression in the digital age.

Více od autora:

Timothy Garton Ash

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